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Prices range from €190-€3000. Commissions large or small, portrait, landscape or other are welcome.

*Howth Clouds


egg tempera on gessoed board,43 x 61.5 cm, unframed, 2008


Egg tempera Series ll

In the field, yellow grasses appear burnt from a sun long since gone. The deep tangle of brambles are tinged red breitling replica and brown. Over green over grown grass, edges round the clumps of rough growth like a snug fitting carpet. Colours brighten, polished by the rain.

In the distance the grass is green montre replique. Sometimes horses can be seen.

Clouds, like tissue paper, layered upon eachother in an immense sky, going from white to grey, blue grey to light grey. The peninsula echoes their subtle layers but in earth colours, and the sea reflects them in liquid form. The only colour from the wisp of a rainbow, stands like a leaning column reaching for something. I watch Time itself, as the sky becomes heavier, filling replique montre rolex with rain while the multi-coloured bow fades under my gaze